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14-15 September 2021
From 08:45am to 16:30pm

Book your virtual seat
Oxalys is gold sponsor of Smart Procurement World Indaba 2021

Find us at the 15th Annual Smart Pocurement World Indaba 2021, the largest professional development event for procurement and inbound supply chain.

This year the event will focus on redefining the profession, which has faced enormous pressure during the COVID-19 crisis.

  • How do I make my procurement function a strategic one for my organisation?
  • How do I optimize my operating model?
  • How digital procurement can help me towards this goal?

Join Anne-Emmanuelle Grene, our head of Oxalys South Africa, on the 14th of September for a wonderful panel about reshaping your procurement function.

Anne-Emmanuelle will be pleased to answer your questions or present our digital procurement solution for the duration of the event.

Book your virtual seat and meet us at our virtual booth !

Do not miss our key session!

14 September  – 14:30 – 15:20 | Session 3 :
PANEL DISCUSSION | Breaking the Mold – Reshaping Your Procurement Operating Model

Meet us for the duration of the event at our virtual booth